Motivation Monday - Midnight Praise

Sometimes you are up in the night because God has arranged a praise session just for you!

This was a bad Idea I thought, my husband on the floor, me curled up on 2 hospital chairs and our 16 year old son sleeping in the bed.

Perhaps we should have left and gone to a hotel room… Except, they are so expensive and we really didn’t want to leave his side and miss what the doctor might tell us in the morning. It seemed this was a no win situation and I was just going to have to accept that this was it, it was not forever, it was just for now.

Then quietly praise music drifted through the curtain separating the hospital beds. Breaking into my thoughts of discomfort and grumbling.  I had just been wishing for my ear buds to play some worship music.  Knowing that would greatly help my attitude in this sleepless hospital night.

As the music started to make sense I realized I was hearing the lyrics

You have always been so faithful, you have always been so so good

With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God…..”

And then the lines,  “your goodness is running after me” played over in my mind.  As I thought about those lyrics I let them permeate my soul.  He has always been faithful, and he has always been so good!

And I can never escape from his goodness. Psalm 23:6 came to mind “Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life…”

I smiled to myself as the words settled in

So many sleepless nights and I don’t know where this season is headed.

Thinking about this time and knowing that I am deep in the valley and all I can do is lean on my Saviours arm and say lead on…

As the praise music continued to play I rested in the fact that He knows the way through this and there is no avoiding the valley to get to the the healing.

That line “You have always been so faithful” reminded me that I am not alone and I will not be afraid because He faithfully comforts me.

In Psalm 86:15 it says “But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.” And Psalm 23:3 “He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honour to his name.”

He will guide me and lead me through even though it’s uncomfortable, it’s hard and it’s unknown.

But when you turn that around and focus on God, remembering how He is always been faithful, your perspective shifts. Although I am uncomfortable, He is my comfort.  Although this is so hard for me, nothing is to hard for Him. And everything is so unknown to me in this season, but He knows all things.

So I don’t need to know the way out. I don’t need to know what will happen tomorrow because He has given me this moment to find comfort in Him, remember who He is and to turn and lay it all before Him.

And that’s all I need.

Just you Jesus my Saviour, God my rock, my redeemer  and some praise in the middle of the night!

You are faithful and I rest in that.