Motivation Monday - Live with open hands

Do you sometimes count yourself out or disqualify yourself? 

In the book of Esther, we see how God used her even though the odds were against her. 

Esther was orphaned; the wrong ethnicity;  more than likely the wrong gender to do great things in the time.

What does God see?  His child, maybe a willing heart; someone who had wise people around them. 

What are you holding on too tightly, what if God nudged you to do something scary? 

Do you have the courage to say yes?  

Is your heart willing?

Today I encourage you to live with open hands and a willing heart; if that seems too hard ask the Holy Spirit to help you slowly open your clenched fists, just a little.

He may want to invite you into what He’s doing.  It may require some growth, and like physical growth spurts it may be uncomfortable, it may even hunt. 

With growth can come healing, I know sometimes it can hurt so much you can’t breathe, but we have to believe that He is still with us.  

As you walk through the pain with him holding your hand, I firmly believe it is better than walking the road alone. 

So today, will you lean in, will you open your hands and heart?

Will you be brave to the nudge that you have been ignoring?

Will you fall on your knees and let your Abba Father pick you up and put you back together?

As you journey, go with your heavenly Father because

“Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Isaiah 40:30-31

- Elena Haskell