Motivation Monday - Remember Who You Are

Thoms Merton says:

Discovering vocation means accepting the treasure of true self I already possess. Vocation does not come from a voice out there calling me to be something I am not. It comes from a voice in here calling me to be the person I was born to be, to fulfill the original selfhood given me at birth by God.”

As women, we may have lost ourselves somewhere along the way, and with losing ourselves, have lost the original  ‘selfhoods’ given to us at birth by God.

We all have a Psalm 139 story.

We all have been created from purpose for purpose.

We need to be in God’s presence for Him to remind us of who we are.

We need to be in God’s presence to allow Him to put all of the wayward pieces of our life back together so we are whole.

The challenge is that I am distracted. You, as a woman, leading, loving, and carrying the needs of so many others, are distracted.

You are so distracted by all of the ‘doing’ of life

that the blossoming of you and the dream of you,

the you that simply gets to be you,

is moved to the bottom of the long list

of things to pay attention to.

Would you allow God to rescue you from the distractions? Would you allow God to remind you who you are? Would you allow God to put you back all the pieces of your life that have been lost to you and put you back together? He delights in you. He is your Rescuer.

I believe in you.  God bless.