Motivation Monday - waiting...

It’s slipping!!!!!

I quickened my pace to try to avoid the catastrophe I felt coming. I had rushed to grab some food and drinks as my son had been cleared by the doctors to eat.  His first request was an iced tea.  I was happy to get one, and a brief break, but I didn’t want to miss the doctor and his report.

Gathering everything, I tucked the drink between my arm and side.  Rushing back to the room, I could feel it slipping. Despite trying to adjust my load, it smashed onto the floor. The sound of iced tea splashing the floor and up the walls stopped everyone around me.  Horrified, I looked at the mess and as my gaze shifted up I caught the eye of a hospital staff member.

“How do I get someone to clean this up?” I asked apologetically.

They quickly assured me that they would handle it. So I swooped down and snatched up the almost empty bottle and continued to the room, sad.  My once joyous announcement that I had acquired my son’s first taste of real food and drink in days, turned into an unfortunate accident, and now he would have to wait for his iced tea.


Now there is a word I struggle with and yet in scripture again and again we are told to wait on the Lord.

Psalm 27:14 “Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.”

But why wait?!

What’s the point?

When I search for that answer I am reminded that God’s timing is always better than mine, and His plans always bring me life.  Isaiah 40:31 is a good reminder of why we should wait; and what God promises us when we do. “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

Strength.  Not just any strength, but new strength.  Running and walking without getting tired or weary. What an amazing promise that is!

Whatever season you are in, as you wait on God, I pray that you will be encouraged today to hold fast to God, be brave and courageous as you wait patiently and that you will find new strength for this year.

- Kim Hutchins