Motivation Monday - Being Led By God While Leading The Way

I had come with my ministry team to the retreat center because we desperately needed God’s guidance and direction to move forward in our leadership and personal lives. As a team, we are committed to regularly practice solitude and listening prayer to receive guidance and revelation for the ministry and to cultivate our personal intimacy with God. This is the way Jesus showed us to lead and the only way to remain in his plan is to follow his way.

That day, as I sat on the floor in silence in my tiny retreat room, I felt his presence in away I hadn’t experienced for a long while. While I was seeking answers for the future of the ministry, what Jesus wanted most was my attention and affection.

As I sunk into the silence, my body calmed, my mind slowed, distractions faded, and I became more aware of his presence with me with each heartbeat. Jesus began to show me how I had been keeping him from the most tender parts of my heart, to protect myself. As I repented of my self-protecting tendencies, I experienced renewal. My vitality for life, relationships, and leadership was restored as I became present to Jesus’ presence.

In John 20:15-16, Mary was weeping looking for Jesus. It was after his resurrection, and she believed he was still dead. Suddenly Jesus was there with her and he said,

“Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?”

Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where

you have put him, and I will get him.”

Jesus said to her, “Mary.”

“She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”).

Immediately, Mary was present to Jesus’ presence, and everything changed.

She didn’t recognize Jesus until she heard him say her name. We too might be tempted to try to find Jesus in our own effort.

Mary was desperately looking for Jesus’ dead body. However, it wasn’t until she heard his voice that she found her living Savior right beside her. For all of us, there can be many demands and pressures that make us feel there is no time for stillness. However, a close relationship with God requires time, attention, and two-way communication. It is through our heart-to-heart connection that we find everything we need to lead effectively.

When we choose to block distractions and listen for the still small voice of God, we access supernatural power. May we all continue to still ourselves regularly and long enough to be present to the presence of Jesus so we can learn what it is to be led by God while leading the way.
