Motivation Monday - God will provide

Due to the suffering Canadian economy, the industry I am in experienced a rather slow winter. Normally, I would settle into panic but this year I decided it was truly time to give it to God and surrender the worry. Instead of scrambling and trying to figure it out on my own, I left it in his hands. I asked God to guide me, to provide for my needs and to show me the way. I decided to focus on serving him in ways that I hadn’t before because I had more time readily available.  

It was because of this slow period that I revisited a dream that seemed out of reach. I have always wanted to go to school for Interior Design, but a 4-year degree program felt out of reach in so many ways. I could see God opening doors and nudging me in this direction and I started to pay attention. I continued to serve him, pray and focus on what steps he wanted me to take. As this continued to unfold, I felt God providing for me and pushing me in an obvious direction. This was such an amazing experience because I had never TRULY just let go and let God during a time when I felt I needed to act rather than surrender.  

I discovered an online program that would suit this stage of my life with the hope of starting our own family in the near future. This broke down one of the many barriers I had. The next step was being approved for a financial bursary which would help break down another one of the barriers that was holding me back. Around the same time, I was given a keychain as a Christmas gift and it said, “Where God Guides, He Provides.” Isaiah 58:11. It was in these several moments that I couldn’t deny that this was God leading me to say “yes” and to take the scary leap back into post-secondary education. Since I began, God has provided in many other ways. He has given me a new group of supportive classmates, he has led me to others in the industry who I have been able to connect with and so much more.  

The moral of the story is simple - “When God Guides, He Provides”. And I have a living testimony that he will be with us every step of the way when it is His will for our lives and part of His plan to further His Kingdom. When I was researching more verses to support this message, I realized how many times in the Bible God reiterates that He WILL provide for us. Another profound and encouraging verse that I came across is John 14:26.  

Jesus said ‘But the advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things & will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

-Caitlyn Radford