Motivation Monday - Be Intentional

The start of the year is always an interesting time.

Some of us start the year with a renewed sense of hope due to the opportunity of a fresh new start while some of us move into the new year with uncertainty and apprehension as we reflect on the challenges of the past year.

I will say that wherever you fall on this broad spectrum, in 2024, I encourage you to prioritize intentionality, especially with the things of God.

Intention requires deliberate and direct focus on something. To be intentional doesn’t equate to perfection, it doesn’t mean setting unrealistic goals, it simply means faith in action, a continuous thought or desire in motion.

Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬-‭34‬ ‭NLT‬‬ says: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

I love that this verse says to seek Him first above all things because He will give us everything we need.

What is it that you need? Is it joy, peace, direction, or even faith? God promises to give it to you when you approach Him with intentionality.

This verse doesn’t negate or minimize the anxieties that the day may bring but it does give us a framework on how to handle it. Don’t worry too much about tomorrow or the year ahead because God’s in control and he’s got you! Simply be intentional with him daily and He’ll help you handle the worries and stress of that day.

Doesn’t this alleviate some pressure?

As we plan for 2024, aim not for perfection in your goals but for intentionality. Something beautiful happens when we set our minds on what God has in store for us. What a relief that we don’t need to strive or make things happen in our strength!

With the busyness of life and the many obligations we face, being intentional with our time with God may seem daunting for some. If this is the case, don’t be ashamed, simply ask him for strength and I promise He’ll come through. Whether it’s a morning devotion, quiet time before your day starts, or listening to an audio bible as you prep for the day, be intentional and focused. Your life will significantly improve because of it.

I have noticed a change in my attitude and overall outlook towards life on days that begin with Him. Worries are less significant, and an overwhelming sense of peace permeates my day.

So, in 2024, I don’t know what God has in store for you, but I am confident that He will give you everything you need. The key is to be intentional with Him above all else.  

He’s got you. 

-Liz Ojo