A Message of Hope in the Face of Uncertainty

- Cathie Ostapchuk

We are humbled by this new and uncertain invisible threat to our most prized possession. The thing that we thought we held loosely, but in reality have a white-knuckle grip on when the imaginable threatens to close us in and isolate us from what we know and who we know, is our freedom.
When we are used to going where we want, when we want and with who we want, it is an under-used reset and shock to our system to self-regulate and to reign in what we want in order to do what we need. 
In this season of social distancing, we are learning one thing. 
We need each other even more.
We see empty shelves in Walmart on the news, and panic in the eyes of those who overnight have shifted from an abundance to a scarcity mentality. Hmm. All of this has to cause each of us sometime for reflection.  Suddenly hugs and handshakes, even elbow bumps and toe to heel acknowledgment of the friendly “other” have become taboo.  
In this season of scarcity, we are learning one thing. 
We need each other even more.
In the midst of chaos comes opportunity. Have we considered that the chaos and uncertainty are the moments we were made for? Perhaps we are the ones called to rise and lead with faith, resilience, and strength for such a time as this. It is easy to speak rhetoric in times of ease and first world problems. But when the world’s problems become our problems, the hope speak must come from those who have a certain hope and a certain future. 
In this season of survival of the fittest, we are learning one thing. 
We need each other even more.
When the source of ill-health is nebulous and it may be just as risky to be in a crowd of 3 as it is 300, how do we keep a kingdom mindset when we are being urged to isolate ourselves?
We are learning one thing. 
We need each other even more.
Our opportunity to create a stronger community has never been more strategic. Will you be that ordinary person who takes the opportunity to step into extra-ordinary destiny today?

  • Use your head. Follow the recommendations by health experts. Wash your hands and don’t touch your face. Prepare but don’t panic.

  • Use your heart. Pray that God would reveal those around you that might need you to pray for them. Send a note of encouragement to those in leadership – in the health field, leading churches, those in government – that you are praying for wisdom for them in uncertain times. Pray for those who are caring for the vulnerable, where gathering in large groups for meals and in shelters to sleep don’t have options to self-isolate.

  • Use your hands. Are there those around you that you could physically serve with minimal risk – the elderly, buying and dropping off groceries or a prescription for someone who is isolated? Hand-delivering or dropping off cupcakes of encouragement to your neighbours front door and letting them know you are thinking of them? Helping with child-care or schoolwork if friends need a break from their kids?!

Is it possible that this is your moment to show that your faith DOES overcome fear? Can you rise and model positive and innovative ways to keep serving and bringing people closer in the spirit in these times of social distance?
We need each other even more.  For all of us ordinary women, we have an opportunity to believe in hope, be the hope, and foster hope in extra-ordinary ways. It could be that you were made to represent the Hope-Giver for such a time as now. 
We believe in you and pray for your well-being as well as the well-being of those around you. We’d love to hear how you are receiving hope and rising to offer hope in this season – please email us at hello@gatherwomen.com! Your stories would be an encouragement to women across the nation. 

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