Running After God

by: Stacy Mattheis

Running After God


            As another year creeps to a close and the resolution talks can be heard, I can’t help but think about what the Lord will ask of me in 2023.  I am not one to set up resolutions, being a perfectionist all or nothing personality usually leaves failure in my future when I lay down resolutions, so I have learned to ask the Lord where I need to grow and reflect as the years pass by.  One question keeps returning to my thoughts....what does it mean to be a woman in Christ in 2023?  The year 2023 really shouldn’t be any different that 2022, except that the time is one year nearer to the return of the Messiah.   Francis Chan uses the example of a very long rope that represents our lives and the last 12 inches are painted red to represent our time on earth…a 20 foot rope that represents my life and only 12 inches are my time earth. I have a little time to show others how Jesus changed my life and then I get to spend ETERNITY with Him.

I need to be aware of this and examine my life to see if it reflects this truth.  My hope is that as I reflect on what the past year has been I can see evidence of a closer walk with Jesus, and that those that interacted with me would have experienced an ordinary woman running after God’s heart. A real woman, learning, growing, raw, vulnerable and transparent as to the revelation of the glory of God in her life.  

We are walking testimonies to the peace and assurance Christ brings when we show up in the fullness of our calling and follow Him.

There are a few characteristics that will show evidence of this walk for you and I both.

1.  We have begun and continue on a spiritual journey to know the Lord. 

Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

2.  We have committed to turn away from old ways and old lives and to live a life set apart for God. It means we make decisions that go against the norm, we swim upstream, we put on armor the world knows nothing about and we lean in when the world says to walk away.

Proverbs 3:5-7 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.

3.  We have entered into a deep intimate personal relationship with the Lord and are determined to serve the Lord with our whole hearts.

Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.       

            How do we go about developing these characteristics?  I think we can practice on those people that God has purposefully placed in our lives.  During quiet time with God ask Him to show what it looks like to serve those around you. Know that God has created you with strengths and giftings that will support and encourage those around you.   Don’t become complacent like the women in Isaiah 32 either. We need to actively pray for them, support them and encourage them.   

 We also live in a society that boasts in feminine power.  It places women in very powerful positions and it’s media makes our men out to be empty headed and weak.  It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we will be able to challenge culture and be Godly women in 2023.  I believe that the men God has placed in our lives need spiritually mature and confident women to be a helpmate to them.  It is a humble confidence that will put the needs of others before themselves ( not forgetting to ask the Holy Spirit for the strength to do this).  Men need our prayers to embrace the spiritual leadership responsibility that God requires of them. 


I believe that if we continue to seek the Lord, spend quiet moments with him, and be open to His work in us others will be able to see a difference in us.  What a great opportunity to show how we are set apart from the world by how we care for those around us and the curveballs this crazy world keeps throwing at us. We are walking testimonies to the peace and assurance Christ brings when we show up in the fullness of our calling and follow Him.

Stacy Mattheis lives in Red Deer, Alberta with her husband Tyler and two of their three adult children. Stacy homeschooled all three, has served in many different areas of ministry in her local church from Women’s Ministry, technical teams, spiritual formation, family ministry, and recently joined the Executive Team of Gather Women. She values unity, authenticity and truth. You can find her reflecting on life and her journey with the Lord on Instagram @stacymattheis and Facebook at stacymattheis.

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