Genesis Moments In Us

by: Rebecca Doner

Our word for the year at Gather is GENESIS and we have been praying through the verse Psalm 51:10 which in the message translation says: God, make a fresh start in me,shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.”

What does that mean for you? A Genesis week...or PERHaPS a Genesis moment?

There is an epidemic of brokenness in our world and I believe in the hearts of many women. So many people are searching for something new, something different, something that will make them feel whole and fulfilled.

Even if they cannot quite explain why they need it, they feel a deep desire for something to happen, and so often they call out to God asking Him to intervene. When He doesn’t act in the way or as quickly as they would like and they are left in a season of waiting the discouragement can be overwhelming. In their brokenness people can struggle, trying to push through living as though everything is okay, when really they are feeling defeated and are exhausted. Too many people today are living artificial, air-brushed lives that threaten collapse at any moment.

I wonder how many of you reading this have been waiting and longing for that for what feels like far too long. I wonder how many of you are wrestling with the balance between being grateful for who God has been in your life and a longing deep in your bones for more…for new…for different?

I wonder how many have an ache in your heart crying out to God for your next Genesis moment.

In frustration and impatience we too often try to make these moments happen on our own. We jump into a new look, new job, new habit or hobby…but those things bring only momentary satisfaction and somehow we are still left wanting. The only true and meaningful Genesis moments we can have, the ones that see the broken made whole are those from God, the creator of the universe in all its wonder and glory. Psalm 57:2 NIV says “I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.” when we cry out it is God, and God alone who can and will fulfill His purpose for us.

Often our dreams of God bringing about a Genesis moment are dreams of something that happens to us. Something God will do circumstantially in our lives. Somewhere He will call us, some place He will move us out of or into. An adventure, a calling, a mission, a rescue, a purpose.

I wonder though, if the Genesis moment so many of us are looking for and need, is something that is smaller and quieter. Instead of something that happens to us, perhaps it is something that happens in us, or that is happening in us even now.  Maybe our Genesis moment comes when we hear the truth of who God says we are louder than the lies of this world.  Maybe our Genesis moment is an awakened passion to fall in love with the word of God in a way we never have before. Maybe it is a renewed desire to follow Christ with all we have, forsaking all else in pursuit of Kingdom Purpose. Maybe the Genesis moment God is working in us, in you, right now is the beginning of a new mindset, a belief, a confidence, a long lost hope re-ignited. Maybe the Genesis moments in our lives are not something we are waiting for, but something that God is at work doing right now in each one of our hearts and minds. Maybe it is sometimes just a matter of us focussing less on what God is doing and instead looking for who He is being even when things don’t seem to be changing around us, even in the middle of our chaos.

It is not in what God does for us, but rather in our realization of who He is and our desire to want to know Him more That true genesis moments happen.

And who is He? Exodus 34 says that He is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. We know from other scripture that God is the same yesterday today and forever, He is good, loving, just, sovereign and holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty!

Whatever it is, whatever it looks like for each one of you, it is exciting to think about who God is being in each one of your stories. Let us be women of faith who passionately pursue knowing God. Let us determine to be women who wait patiently as we lay ourselves down at His feet, rest in who He is, and humbly allow Him to reveal the Genesis moments in our lives.

Friends, never forget in every season, even those where you find yourself waiting, God is always there for you to discover. Never underestimate how great the God we serve is and never doubt for even a moment that whatever He is doing, whatever He will bring from or into the chaos of your life, it is greater than anything we could possibly fathom on our own.


This November 4th and 5th Gather is hosting our national event Gather Rise: GENESIS at Calgary Life Church in Calgary Alberta. We are expectant that God will reveal Himself in a profound way and will be at work in that room. We are believing for many Genesis moments to happen through Him as we Gather so please consider joining us for what is going to be a great time together.

Rebecca Doner is wife to her high-school sweetheart, and mom to four amazing kids. She works full time in business partnership with her sister-in-law. She serves on the Elder’s board at her local church and is actively involved in several ministries there. She is a speaker who eagerly uses her voice to impart to the God's love, life, and truth to the world. Most recently she has felt led to serve on the executive team at Gather Women - a national women’s ministry, and in her ‘spare time’ is studying for her MTS (Masters of Theological Studies) at Tyndale Seminary. IG: @lifeinoverflow